Raja Cheyyi Vesthe, directed by Pradeep Chelukuri and produced by Sai Korrapati, will hit the screens on April 29. The film has been certified U/A. It's a slick action entertainer with lots of philosophizing thrown in. Music-directed by Sai Kartheek, the film stars Nara Rohit, Tarakaratna, and Isha Talwar in lead roles.
The theatrical trailer, released recently at the audio release function of the movie, hints at a film where Tarakaratna has a larger-than-life grey character. The visuals are technically superior.
The shadow of Tarakaratna's character looms large over Nara Rohit's. Lines like "Nuvvu brain ni gun la vaadu, appude nee alochanalu bullet la doosukelthayi" indicate that the antagonist's challenge is huge.
After two unsuccessful films - Tuntari and Savitri, Nara Rohit badly needs a hit.
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