Bollywood actress Vani Kapoor made her telugu debut with Nani's Aaha Kalyanam movie. She has stunned all by appearing in passionate lip lock with Nani in the film. Though Nani was not comfortable with the kissing scene Vani did full justice to it.The actress is currently busy with Bollywood film 'Befikre' Which has Bollywood heartthrob Ranveer Singh in lead role.
Reports suggest that the film, which is being shot in Paris, will have 23 kisses. Ranveer and Vaani will kiss 23 times in the film which is probably the highest number of kisses.Since the beginning, there has been a lot of buzz about the movie and the recent revelation have generated enough interest.
The film's first look also shows Vani kissing Ranveer in passionate mood. T his is the first time, Vaani has paired up with Ranveer and she don't have any clams for offering her juicy lips to the actor.The movie is reportedly inspired by Bernardo Bertolucci's 'Last Tango In Paris.'
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