Superstar Mahesh Babu took to his Twitter profile just a while ago to wish his brother-in-law and noted Telugu star Sudheer Babu on his Bollywood debut with Baaghi. Appreciating Sudheer Babu’s Baaghi promo, Mahesh tweeted, “@isudheerbabu is just outstanding in the trailer of Baaghi.. Proud of him :) Wish him and the entire team all the best for the release..”
Baaghi is a high voltage action adventurous drama and the film will introduce Sudheer Babu to Bollywood in a menacingly villainous role. Sudheer bulked up for the film and even performed several adrenaline-filled stunts.
Baaghi stars Tiger Shroff and Shraddha Kapoor as the main leads. The film will hit the screens worldwide on April 29th.
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