While senior heroes Balakrishna and Nagarjuna are doing films one after the other, their friends Chiranjeevi and Venkatesh have slowed down their pace. Balakrishna's 100th film Gautamiputra Satakarni to be directed by Krish and Chiranjeevi's 150th movie Kathilantodu in VV Vinayak's direction are the most awaited films from the senior heroes.
The makers of Gautamiputra Satakarni are planning to release their movie for Sankranthi, next year. Latest we heard is Chiranjeevi's Kathilantodu will also release during the famous festival for Telugus. So, Balakrishna and Chiranjeevi are expected to clash at box office after a long time with their milestone films.
The last time, Balayya and Chiru had clashed at the box office was in 2001 and that too for sankranthi with their respective films Narasimha Naidu and Mrugaraju. While Balayya's film was an industry hit, Chiru's was a disaster. It will be interesting to see who will win the race this time!
Balakrishna's 100th film will be made of fresh story based on the life of Amaravati king Gautamiputra Satakarni. The high budget entertainer will be launched on 22nd of this month.
On the other hand, Chiranjeevi Kathilantodu is official remake of Tamil hit film Kaththi and the film is currently in pre production stages. Ram Charan will co-produce the flick that will go on floors from June.
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