Mega Star Chiranjeevi’s 150th film announcement has been a much awaited event from last couple of years. For numerous reasons, the official launch and finalization of story, director was delayed. Ever since the news on Tamil Star Hero Vijay’s ‘Kaththi’ Telugu remake is officially confirmed as Mega Star’s milestone film, Fans stood very eager for the same to be launched and shooting to begun.
Finally, CJ team is here to break the news. Chiranjeevi’s 150th project is going for an official launch on April 29th in the presence of industry stalwarts. Muhurtham shot will be on April 29th and an official confirmation from production team is expected by today evening.
VV Vinayak is director for this prestigious movie while Ramcharan is to bankroll a high budget. Although selection of heroine and other artists are yet to be done, we might hear good news in coming few days. So, time for Mega Fans to start their celebrations because we are here to inform you the venue and other details very soon. Guys... Boss Is Back!
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